May 4, 2018 3:15pm in the PAC


Master Classes can be one of the most effective means of musical development.

The difference between a normal class and a master class is typically the setup. In a master class, the master will ask for a limited amount of students (volunteers) to individually perform a single piece that they have prepared. This could be vocal or an instrument. The audience, their classmates, will watch and listen as the master gives them advice on how to play it, perhaps demonstrate how the master would play a certain passage, and point out common technical errors. In light of the “coaching”, the student is asked to play the piece again. The intention is not to put the student on the hot seat but allow collective learning, the performer AND their classmates can benefit from the master's comments on each piece. Ruslan may focus on phrasing, voicings, keeping time, and the overall shape of the performance. He refers to the “masters” in his life as elders and he is STILL learning.

This will not be a lecture. Ruslan may briefly introduce himself and talk about his credentials in order to gain the trust of the students but it will be largely interactive. Ruslan weaves his experiences into the class via storytelling and providing examples. His experience has been that using storytelling as a tool sparks discussion and questions among the audience.

Brief Outline of the Master Class:
- Introduction
- A limited amount of students individually perform for everyone
- Ruslan coaches the students one by one
   while encouraging discussion with the student and classmates
- Discussion of the importance of practice
- Wrap up/Questions